26 High Street Enderby, Leicester, LE19 4AG

Welcome to Cini

Love. Care. Attention to detail.

Valentine’s 2025

Friday 14th February
5 Course Tasting Menu

Negroni Sbagliato - Canapé

Beetroot Velouté
Curd goat cheese, parmesan crisp.

Ravioli Crab & Ricotta
Prawns, basil, tomato concassé sauce.

Noce Di Manzo
Top rump of beef, gorgonzola sauce, prosciutto, potato gateau and root vegetables.

Lemon sorbet, vodka, prosecco.

Orange Parfait
With chocolate sauce.
Selection of Continental Cheeses
With accompaniments.

£59 per person

Please advise us if you have any allergies or intolerance. Vegetarian & Vegan alternative available on request.
£25 per person deposit is required at the time of booking
Refund only applicable if cancellation is of 96 hours before booking date